All plenary talks will take place in the lecture hall C1 of the Hörsaalzentrum in Courtyard 2.
The plenary talks will be published as a separate booklet and distributed to all participants together with other materials.
Anil Bhatti
Anil Bhatti
Similarity. Some considerations concerning complex societies
Thursday, 25.08., 09:00, HS C1 (via Zoom)
Prof. emer. Dr. Anil Bhatti (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) is a specialist of comparative literature and cultural studies. His research interests include contacts between Europe and India/Asia as well as postcolonial studies and, more generally, the idea of similarity in culture theory.
Katalin É. Kiss
Katalin É. Kiss
Why non-finite subordination prevails in the Uralic languages?
Tuesday, 23.08., 09:00, HS C1
Katalin É. Kiss is a research professor at the Research Institute for Linguistics in Budapest. Her research interests include the synchronic and diachronic syntax of Hungarian, the syntax of Uralic languages,
information structure, and the syntax of quantification.
Art Leete
Art Leete
Finno-Ugric Animism and the Finno-Ugric Idea
Friday, 26.08., 09:00, HS C1
Prof. Dr. Art Leete (University of Tartu, Department of Ethnology) has investigated modernization, changes in religion and issues of identities and images with special respect to the peoples of Northern Eurasia, doing fieldwork among the Komi, Khanty, Mansi, and Nenets peoples.
Anatolii N. Rakin
Anatolii N. Rakin
The genesis of meteorological vocabulary in the Permic languages
Wednesday, 24.08., 09:00, HS C1 (via Zoom)
Dr. Anatolii Nikolaevič Rakin is a linguist working mainly on his native Komi language, especially on lexicology and lexicography. He is the president of the Committee of Finno-Ugrists of the Russian Federation.
Helena Ruotsala
Helena Ruotsala
Transnationalism and multilocality. Case studies from Tornio River Valley and Mari El
Monday, 22.08., 11:00, HS C1
Prof. Dr. Helena Ruotsala is Professor in European Ethnology at the University of Turku, Finland; her research interests include, among others, Northern and indigenous peoples, border areas, transnationalism, environmental/multispecies ethnology and fieldwork. Most recently, she has been doing fieldwork in Mari Republic, investigating current cultural processes.
Anna Verschik
Anna Verschik
Impact of Estonian on local Russian now and then: similar or different?
Friday, 26.08., 15:30, HS C1
Prof. Dr. Anna Verschik is professor of general linguistics at School of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia. Her scholarly interests include contact linguistics, sociolinguistics in the Baltic region, and ethnolect studies. She has published on Estonian-Russian language contacts, English-Estonian language contacts, and Yiddish language and its varieties in the Baltic region.