B.9 Current issues in the syntactic typology of Uralic languages
The symposium aims to be a forum for presenting and discussing current issues in syntactic typology (including the syntax–morphology interface) of Uralic languages. Contributions investigating any syntactic or morphosyntactic issue carried out in a typological-functionalist approach are welcome. Papers related to a specific Uralic language or to a subgroup of the Uralic languages are both equally appreciated.
We especially welcome presentations related to the (morpho)syntactic feature set of the World Atlas of Language Structures Online (wals.info/feature) and of the Typological Database of the Ugric Languages (utdb.elte.hu). The questions that can be addressed thus include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- case marking
- ditransitive constructions
- word order
- evidentiality
- passive constructions
- negation
- causation
- argument structure
- the syntax of complex sentences etc.
Talks can be given in any of the official languages of the Congress. Nevertheless, abstracts are to be submitted in English only. The event is planned for 2 days.
Keynote speaker: András Bárány (University of Leiden): Case and agreement in ditransitives in Uralic and beyond.
Organizers: Ferenc Havas, Erika Asztalos, Nikolett F. Gulyás, Laura Horváth, Ditta Szabó, Bogáta Timár (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
Contact person: Erika Asztalos, aszterik@gmail.com