Dear Colleagues,

as you probably know, the COVID situation has not improved as fast as we hoped, and at this stage it is still impossible to make reasonable plans for this year's August. After a long consideration, we have decided to postpone CIFU XIII once again, to August 2022. As the facilities at the university campus are already heavily booked for the whole month, there was little room for negotiation: the congress will take place on

August 22–27, 2022.

The details of the programme will be updated on our website later on. Registration will be possible in the spring of 2022 (probably starting with February or March), by way of a registration tool on the congress website.

All talks already accepted to the programme will be automatically rescheduled to the new dates. If you have received a notification of acceptance, you do not have to resubmit your abstract.

To those who submitted abstracts in the second round in late 2020: you will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of your abstract very soon, we apologize for the delay!

Encouraged by last year’s experiences, we will again organize a pre-congress online,

between August 8 and 13, 2021

(the exact dates of the pre-congress will be decided later on, together with other details). If your abstract has been accepted and you don’t want to wait until 2022, we cordially invite you to present your paper in the online pre-congress. Just send us an e-mail to cifu13@univie.ac.at! (If your talk is part of a symposium, please contact the symposium organizer as well.)

We will, again, announce an extra call for papers after September 2021, for those who missed the previous calls or who already presented their paper at the digital pre-congress and would like to submit a new abstract.

Please keep checking our website cifu13.univie.ac.at for updates and new information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at cifu13@univie.ac.at.

Our team is still hoping to meet you all at the University campus of Vienna – ami késik, nem múlik, all is not lost that is delayed. Stay healthy, take care!

Best regards

Johanna Laakso, President of CIFU XIII

PS. The congress has no mailing list of its own, but relevant information will also be sent to URA-LIST, the international e-mail list for Uralic studies and related disciplines. You can subscribe the list by sending majordomo@helsinki.fi an e-mail with the text (in the message body, not in the subject line) "subscribe ura-list" followed by your e-mail address. (If you want to leave the list, just do the same with the message "unsubscribe ura-list".) The archives of URA-LIST are at http://listserv.linguistlist.org/pipermail/ura-list/ .